Hello! I'm Sree Teja Kalakota

A Tech-Infused Designer Beyond Textbook Design Conventions, Balancing Aesthetics and User Efficiency in Every Design.

Display of Experience and Personality Formed Throughout My Career.

Sustainable Waste Management
Product Design
Interaction Design
Improving the sustainability in Waste Management Practcies
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Cook Easy
Information Architecture
Refining the Information Architecture of a smart cookbook mobile application.
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Outfit Design
A special collection of cycling suits designed with top-notch quality for celebrities and para athletes competing in world championships.
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TED - Information Architecture
Heuristic Evaluation
Information Architecture
Applying Information Architecture Principles to analyze the TED website to understand its structure and design better.
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Stock Tracker | Schopfer

Built with React JS and styled using Bootstrap, this project integrates Google Sheets API for real-time stock data, uses Git for version control, and is deployed with AWS Amplify for continuous integration and delivery.

Looking for AI-First Design help?
Just say Hey Sree!

Connoisseurs Commendations
A Reflection on What Experts Admire About Me

Mr. Aditya Mehta

Founder | Aditya Mehta Foundation

Sree Teja demonstrated exceptional ingenuity, leadership, and perseverance in designing the parasport-themed indoor spaces for the prestigious 'Infinity Para-Sports Academy & Rehab Center.' It sets a pioneering standard in Asia for future innovative projects.

Dr. Sridhar Reddy

Ph.D. - KL University

Associate Professor & Controller of Examinations - VBIT

He was the best student I have mentored because of his deductive approach and thoroughness in completing a technical assignment. While working on an academic project to address issues in the Indian education system, I closely observed him. His ability to use existing technology to solve complex problems was simply incredible.